Why 5D Diamond Painting Kits Are the Perfect Activity in Isolation

Why 5D Diamond Painting Kits Are the Perfect Activity in Isolation

It’s no secret that Covid-19 has drastically shifted our daily norm. In a bid to minimise its spread and flatten the curve, many countries have enforced lockdown rules upon their citizens. Australia is no different. Unfortunately, this pandemic has heightened feelings of anxiety, restlessness and worry amongst people all over the world.

Being cooped up in your home and having to deal with thoughts regarding uncertainty about your future, possible infection of a loved one or loss of income certainly isn’t be good for your mental health. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Why not use this newfound free time to engage in activities that’ll help relax your mind? We believe that 5D diamond painting kits are the perfect activity for you while in isolation.

Here's why we think so.


Fun and More Fun

One thing is certain, and that is that 5D Diamond painting kits are undeniably fun. Though the activity needs to be done in a logical sequence and demands concentration, it doesn’t take away from the fun element.

What could be more fun than sticking shiny little diamonds onto a sticky canvas? Your mind is absorbed from the very minute you start this exciting hobby. This kit definitely gives your imagination and creative muscles a chance to get some exercise. And, chances are that you’re likely to be blown away by the work of art you end up creating!


Give You a Chance to Unwind

You certainly can’t spend all your time keeping up with daily Covid-19 stats and its devastating effects. It’s imperative that you give yourself time to unwind and ease your mind from negative news. 5D diamond painting kits are the ideal activity to provide you with that much needed escape.

Instead of spending your time worrying about the present and fretting about the future, this activity keeps your mind focused & engaged, not to mention relaxed. Time quickly flies by as you find yourself figuring out how to select the right colour and stick it on to the canvas provided. Though engaging, the activity is in no way exhausting which you’ll definitely appreciate.

In actual fact, playing around with 5D diamond painting kits is considered to be a very calming hobby that soothes even the busiest of minds. Think of this activity as fun yet also as a mini meditation session.


Suitable for Everyone

When you’re used to travelling from one place to the next whenever you feel like, isolation is no fun. But quite frankly, it’s really a matter of perception. How about viewing it as time to bond with the people that matter to you the most? And that’s the beauty of 5D Diamond painting kits; the activity is for everyone. No one will feel left out.


Because these kits come in different sizes, you can purchase the smaller kits which are more beginner friendly. Even if you’ve got absolutely no prior experience in arts and crafts, the smaller kits will certainly make you feel like a pro. That’s how simple this activity is. This means that your kids can also join in the fun too. The beautiful colours and images will definitely keep their young minds engaged.


5D Diamond painting kits are very easy to use-whether you buy the partial drill, full drill or multi-panel kits. All the paintings are clearly labelled as to the shape of the drill, coverage area of the painting and sizes.

If you want to do the activity by yourself, with your partner or older siblings, pick the larger and more detailed kits. These will definitely challenge your mind.

Very Affordable

We get it: during this isolation period, you’re trying to save money in whichever way you can. This is especially true if you don’t know when or if you’ll receive your next pay cheque. Splurging on expensive activities is the last thing you want to do. Thankfully, given how inexpensive 5D Diamond painting kits are, that’s something you don’t have to worry about.

5D Diamond painting kits are very affordable—especially if you purchase the smaller kits. Generally these kits contain a sorting tray, wax pad, baggies, tweezers and a pen tool. And the beauty of it is that these tools will last you a very long time. If you decide to upgrade from a smaller to a large kit and it happens to exclude one of the tools, you’re likely to find it in your previous kit.


It’s clear that 5D Diamond paintings kits make for a welcome distraction from the happenings surrounding the Covid-19 global pandemic. This activity will help you relax your mind, ease your stress and help you to unwind.


5D Diamond painting kits allow you to bond with and create moments with your loved ones that you’ll cherish for years to come—plus you’ll have a physical keepsake of the memory of “that one time” when you weren’t permitted to leave the house. Will you be trying this interesting aesthetic activity out? For your peace of mind during these trying times, we certainly hope so.




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